Make an MP3 Quiz Boxes Game!: Step by Step

21 08 2007

Have you discovered yet that the free download of Stu’s Quiz Boxes includes a multimedia quiz game that uses an MP3 file for every question? The MP3 Song Lyrics Quiz lets you play a special type of Quiz Boxes game, in this case one that wants you to name the Title and Artist from a displayed lyrics snippet. But if you can’t get the song from the lyrics alone, Quiz Boxes can play that snippet for you!

MP3 Song Lyrics Quiz

See the CD Music icon above the question? You click it and it plays the question’s attached MP3 file automatically, bringing a whole new dimension to Stu’s Quiz Boxes  Here’s how you can create your own multimedia quiz:

1. You need to think about the type of questions you could ask that include a sound file. Some examples include:

  • Song Title and Artist (as described above)
  • What’s that sound?
  • Name that Animal sound?
  • Famous People’s Speeches
  • Identify the celebrity’s voice, etc.

2. Put your 31 questions together into  six categories with five questions in each (plus Quiz Boxes Breaker)

3. Type all your questions into a NEW Quiz File in the Quiz Boxes Question Editor and above the questions, click the option to say YES to Enable MP3 Music Clips for this Question File.

Use Music 

4. Save the new Quiz File into a folder of its own inside the quizzes folder, or elsewhere on your computer. Every MP3 Quiz MUST be in its OWN folder! Name the folder appropriately, then open the folder and name your quiz appropriately.

Create a New Folder

4. Gather (if you haven’t already) the 31 MP3 files you will need – don’t make them too long. You can use Audacity to trim them down appropriately. Place them all in the same folder as your new quiz file.  NOTE: With Stu’s Quiz Boxes, you do not have to have an MP3 file for every question.  Just supply one for each question that needs an audio clue.

5. Rename each MP3 file so that the first question ($200) in the first category is called J1-1.mp3, the second question in the first category is J1-2.mp3 and so on until the last question ($1000) in the sixth category is called J6-5.mp3. The Quiz Boxes Breaker question sound file must be called JFJ.mp3. Check the files in the supplied MP3 quiz folder for clarification of this. In total, there need to be 31 MP3 files and a quiz TXT file in the folder and nothing else.

6. If you’ve done this all correctly, run Quiz Boxes and test your MP3 Quiz file by opening the quiz inside your newly created folder. It should just play! The music will stop whenever you click a Tick or a Cross button and can be restarted by clicking the CD Music icon.

Sharing your MP3 Multimedia Jeopardy Quiz:

Of course, if you’ve created a great new multimedia quiz, you’ll want to share it with the rest of the world! And I’m happy to host it here for you.  All you have to do now is ZIP that folder you made and then email it to (replace AT with @) as an attachment and I’ll add it to the list of quizzes at the site for others to download. If you send me your name, I’ll credit you for creating the MP3 quiz as well. Please – NO inappropriate sound files – they will not get published. Also, please keep any copyrighted song clips to less than 30 seconds!

How do you “zip” a folder? You can use WinZip that you have to pay for, or you can use 7-Zip for free! You basically run the program and select the folder you created and it will make a single zip file out of that folder and all its contents. When people download it from the Quiz Boxes site, they just unzip it into their QuizBoxes\Quizzes folder and it will be available for their use!

So what are you waiting for? Start making your own cool Quiz Boxes Multimedia MP3 Quizzes! Tell us all about them below, or if you have any questions, just ask in the comments box at the bottom.



27 responses

16 11 2007

Dear Friend, can i insert images instead of mp3 sound files? How can i do it?

16 11 2007

Hi Galieleo – at this point, no, you cannot insert images into the questions. This feature will be added to the next version to be released mid-2008.

18 11 2007

Dear Friend, i am very happy with this tool, i would like to know if there is a posibility of doing multiple choices question, and if can i change the size of the fonts, according with the length of the question?

18 11 2007

Hi Galileo. You can display multiple choice questions, but it’s best not to bother trying to make them line up vertically. For example, you could layout the question like this:

What city hosted the Summer Olympic Games in 1980? [A] Los Angeles / [B] Tokyo / [C] Barcelona / [D] Moscow / [E] Seoul

The font size is fixed. Sorry. Can’t have everything. 🙂

24 11 2007

hello! can i know how can i do it…im curios..

31 01 2008

we have downloaded the mp3 music quiz unzipped the files to a foder within the quizzes folder (C:\jeopardy\quizzes\MP3 Music Quiz) the only thing is the mp3 do not play by clicking the cd as stated in your documents. Can you help?

31 01 2008

Hi schooltech. Three things:

1. Verify that sound works on your PC with other programs or websites like YouTube.
2. Did you run the Setup.exe that is in the Jeopardy folder? You MUST be logged on as an Administrator when you do it.
3. If you are running Vista, right-click the Setup.exe and choose Run As Administrator

Then try the sound in the game again. Please reply here to let us know how it goes.

7 03 2013

Was there ever a resolution to this inquiry? I am having a similar issue, with a quiz that I built in Quizboxes v I can play the sounds in the Audio Visual example quiz that is prvided, but haven’t been able to get the MP3’s I want to use to provide sound. I have validated that all the files work outside of Quizboxes and checked basic things such as file size, bit rate, etc on the files that work – but all seems good. Are there any special criteria that must be met around file size etc. that I might be missing? I am using a mix of MP3 and JPG’s but that is no different than the example. I’m guessing that since I can hear them on the example I must be missing a small detail?

Thank you!

8 03 2013

Hi Rob, yes, the issue was the local PC. Your PC is playing the sample game’s MP3 files, so I’m guessing the problem is your mp3 files. Where did they come from? Perhaps try re-encoding them using Audacity?

15 02 2008

Hi Stu, thanks for a great game freeware. Can we put background music in the game? What is the SOUND folder for? Also, can we put timer when answering the questions? Thanks.


15 02 2008

Hi Jackie,

Glad you like it. When I made Jeopardy, I didn’t go for creating an identical copy of the TV game show, so I didn’t use their music at all. The sounds folder contains the sounds used in the game, the beeps and boops etc. At present, there is no option for having background music and there is no option for including a question timer. But these aren’t bad suggestions and I may add them into the next version. In the meantime, there’s nothing stopping you from downloading this: and playing it on a loop in Media Player while you are running the game.

11 03 2008


Awesome tool! Believe it or not, I’m using this tool for firefighters as a way of revising particular theory topics which are usually fairly boring to do in normal everyday lecture formats. I’m keen to hear when you get round to being able to add images instead of MP3 files as this will be excellent for topography (pop up a map, name the missing street, missing hydrant etc etc)

Thanks for making things a bit more fun!!


12 03 2008

Thanks Mick! I actually expected people from all walks to think of novel ways to use this – but I never considered firefighters… 🙂

I aim to include photos (JPEGs) and maybe Flash or Video in the next version, but that won’t be until around July-August – as I have multiple day and night jobs already. Glad you like it. Stu.

2 04 2008

Just found your game. I’m a middle school teacher. I can’t begin to tell you how much your game will help in the classroom. I created a pretty nice PPT jeopardy game but this is WAY better. I’m looking forward to the improvements you’ve stated above you will be adding in mid-year. Adding images and a timer (perhaps a display countdown or sweeping arm that reveals red area stop sign) will be a significant addition for a classroom environment. Images especially!!.
Thanks for the time and work you’ve put into this product and the willingness to share it freely.

26 08 2009

OMG. I love you for this. If I had money to donate I totally would! I really appreciate you giving this away for free. 🙂 I however dont know how to use the auditory thingy. So I cant change the songs! Haha. I guess I’ll be searching for tutorials. But Im not the teacher, so hey, what difference does it make? Maybe she shouldnt be a teacher, considering Im doing her work!

26 08 2009

Hi Laken. Nice of you to help your teacher. The instructions above do work, you just need to follow them properly. This process is not really for beginners though.

27 08 2009

I got it. It took me a few. But I got it….. thank you!

8 10 2011

Will Mp4’s work?

10 10 2011

Sorry, no. MP3s only.

13 12 2011

How do you make an mp3 quiz?

13 12 2011

I’m guessing you follow the step-by-step guide above.

1 11 2013
Carsten R. Jensen

I have installed QuizBoxes on my desktop and laptop – both running Windows 8 – and when trying the song quiz and clicking the CD icon there is no music. I also tried creating a new song quiz with MP3’s, naming them correctly as stated above, but still no music when clicking the CD.
I have tried to install the software as Administrator, and I have tried to right-click and choose ‘Run as Administrator’, but still no luck.
What am I doing wrong – or won’t it run on Windows 8?


2 11 2013

Hi Carsten, On the Download page, read the third question in the installation help section. The answer will tell you it does run…if… 🙂

2 11 2013
Carsten R. Jensen

Thank you. It’s working now.

9 11 2013
Tony Geary

Help! I am getting no sound, either from my own mp3 questions, or from the mp3 lyrics quiz that was downloaded. If I go into the folder where the quiz is, I can click on the mp3 and here it, but when I try to play the game, I get no sound.

11 11 2013

Are you running on Windows 8? If yes, please download the following program:
You need to be logged onto your PC as an administrator, then right-click on the program you downloaded and choose Run as Administrator. A status bar will flash up on the screen, then disappear. When complete, try running QuizBoxes from the QuizBoxes folder. It should work fine.

26 05 2014

thank you so much…I wondered why it was not working

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